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21st Century Skills for the 21st Century Classroom

In the 21st century, the way students learn, interact and prepare themselves for the world outside the classroom has changed.

Teachers have kept up with these changes, and have readied themselves to understand what skills students need to know - however; they may not know how to teach those skills. 

Follow along as we interview educators who share their specific tools and tactics to equip their students with the skills to succeed in the 21st century world.
students look at phone in the classroom

What is #21For21?

#21For21 is a movement dedicated to helping teachers help students succeed in today's constantly changing world. 

Teachers will share their specific plans, tools and tactics to teach 21st century skills in their classrooms. 

And one teacher will receive $2100 towards their classroom.

Where does #21For21 Come From?

During the first season of the Competencies without a Classroom podcast, we interviewed business leaders, decision makers, hiring managers and executives on what competencies they're looking for from their young employees, teammates and co-workers in order to succeed in today's competitive landscape.

The results were...interesting.

What we heard from these leaders was that 'soft' skills like resilience, problem-solving, critical thinking and resourcefulness are among the most high-demand traits for young people making the shift from the classroom to the workplace. These were the skills that set apart applicants from other applicants, individual contributors from other contributors, and the good leaders from the great leaders.

Teachers and educators know this.

Educators know that these skills, among others, are the traits that their students will require to thrive the digital era.

The challenge?

Educators may not know how to instill these skills into their students in the classroom setting.

For Season 2 of the Competencies without a Classroom podcast, we're introducing #21For21 to highlight educators who are teaching the skills of tomorrow today. Over 21 podcast episodes, we'll be speaking to leading educators who are teaching these 21st century skills and how they do it.

From these 21 episodes, we'll be selecting 21 key highlights from these educators and letting our audience vote on which was their favorite via Twitter. The educator with the most votes will receive $2100 towards improving their school and their classroom.

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  • Receive updates of all our new #21For21 episodes and future Competencies without a Classroom episodes
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