By the team at behind SpacesEDU & myBlueprint

SpacesEDU Newsletter

Join a community of educators who think differently about how we capture, assess, and showcase learning. Each edition of the SpacesEDU Newsletter is thoughtfully curated to highlight critical new ideas & relevant resources to equip teachers' tool belts. 
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We are a community of educators & ed tech 
enthusiasts who want to put students at the 
center of their education 

At SpacesEDU, we write about:
Amazing educators who are changing how they look at assesement
The latest thinking and research on teaching with Portfolios
Tips and Tricks to help you better connect with students & excel as an educator

Learning happens anytime, anywhere

Personal growth is a story far more than a grade or a test score can tell.

This publication was made out of years of hearing from educators, administrators, and students about the power that portfolios with a purpose can have in transforming education.