Nevada – Bring Your Portrait of a Learner to Life With SpacesEDU
SpacesEDU is a Portrait of a Learner and competency-based education (CBE) platform built to support personalized, learner-centered models.
Let's Talk
“Storytelling is central to the learning process. What I love about SpacesEDU is that is allows our learners to write and narrate their own learning stories in such an easy way.”
Bring Your Portrait of a Learner to Life
- Create a custom Portrait of a Learner portfolio to have your students connect artifacts of learning directly to your local Portrait of a Learner competencies or the state Portrait of a Nevada Learner domains, skills, and mindsets
- Offer flexible learning experiences and engage community partners by having students capture learning from mentorships, internships, and apprenticeships anytime, anywhere, and on any device
- Embed real-world competency and skill development into learning with portfolios that follow students K–12 and beyond with an All Work Feed and view-only URL portfolio sharing
Place Students at the Center of Learning
- Provide a learner-centered approach to documenting learning and growth with an easy-to-use app, multimedia tools, and built-in reflection opportunities for students
- Foster personalized learning with activity pathways and Individual Spaces to support students on IEPs and gifted learning plans, and Proficiency Reports to identify gaps in learning and opportunities for re-teaching
- Help students demonstrate what they know and what they know how to do by having them share their learning using multimedia and offering ongoing feedback
Support Student Mastery With Competency-Based Education
- Focus on student mastery over seat time with one tool to support Competency-Based Education with a custom Proficiency Scale and a Proficiency Report at the individual student, classroom, school, and district level
- Celebrate anytime, anywhere authentic learning and skill development with a platform that’s accessible on any device and includes dedicated student, teacher, family, and administrator accounts
- Enable educators to meet students where they are in their individual learning journeys by connecting student work directly to NVACS and tracking progress towards mastery of standards with an easy-to-use Proficiency Report
Ready to see how SpacesEDU can help your district support Portrait of a Learner and CBE?
Fill out the form below and let’s connect. Together we can help all Nevada learners thrive in today’s world.